Beautiful dresses, stylish shirts, unique accessories. This is the place you can find them all.
Here, you can find good bargains and stuffs mainly from overseas. All our products are picked single-handedly from our purchasers. Check them out today!
It’s More Than Just Clothings! Be a Fashion Addict with Style!
You are now dressed up but something seems amissed... Accessories! They make great difference and style to your outfit. Try taking a photo with and without it, i'm sure you can spot the difference :)
Item Code: 10-0003
Description: Summer Bangles
Price: SGD 9.90 per piece
Sizes Availabity: -na-
Status: In-stock (8 pieces left)
Seeking for a unique sparking bangle to match your dress? This bollywood style bangle will be a perfect match for your outfit. Great for party nights and dinners, i'm sure there will be turn heads!
Item Code: 10-0004
Description: Bollywood Bangles
Price: SGD 19.90
Sizes Availabity: -na-
Status: In-stock (4 pieces left)